Realignment in comfort

Available now in London, Invisalign iTero is a convenient technology that makes your experience of tooth realignment more efficient and more comfortable. Say goodbye to the inconvenient and time-consuming old method of taking dental impressions. With dentist Dr Graham Tinkler, you’ll enjoy the process as a digital scanning device takes impressions of your teeth without the need for you to hold putty inside your mouth.

Invisalign iTero in LondonQuick and accurate

This contemporary system has numerous benefits, both for the patient and for the dentist, which make for a smoother overall experience of tooth realignment in London. Invisalign iTero creates an image of your teeth with a high degree of accuracy in far less time than traditional methods require. Your experience as a patient is much more pleasant, too. Having to hold cumbersome dental putty in your mouth while an impression forms can make you anxious and restrict the air flow to your lungs. It can also leave a residue.

At the dental clinic in London, Invisalign iTero uses a digital scanner, inserted into your mouth. You can function as normal, with no restrictions on your breathing or swallowing. You can also pause the procedure if you have to, so there’s no need to be worried about having to rigidly maintain your posture. The process is over quickly, leaving you to get on with your tooth realignment treatment.

Seeing the results

Another great advantage of Invisalign iTero in London, besides its speed and precision, is that it allows you to see the simulated results of your tooth realignment treatment. Before you start wearing your aligners, you can see how they’ll improve your teeth. On the scanner’s high-definition display screen, you can compare your current dental positioning to how it will be in the future.

This image might help you to keep focused on the great results of your treatment while it’s ongoing, adding to the overall convenience and satisfaction of contemporary dental repositioning.

Invisalign iTero in London allows you to see the science and engineering that bring efficiency and comfort to your dental alignment improvements. It’s an appealing feature of contemporary dental practice.