What you should know about Invisalign Braces

Invisalign braces are great and very popular amongst celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey, Ricky Wilson and Justin Bieber. They have been around for quite a while and as an alternative to metal braces they are a godsend to many people in need of them.

If you are looking to invest in Invisalign braces, be aware of some of the things you should know.

Developing a lisp for a few days

When you are new to Invisalign braces you may experience a slight lisp for about a day or two after putting in your new Invisalign tray. This is nothing to worry about as you will get used to wearing the braces and the lisp will naturally lose itself.

Requiring a file down on attachment buttons

The attachment buttons have created a mix reaction on visibility by wearers, as some believe they aren’t noticeable whereas some believe that they are. Make sure you satisfied with the visibility of the buttons when you get them fitted. There have also been issues around the buttons being too sharp and resulting in cuts in the inside of the wearer’s mouth. Speaking to your orthodontist and getting them to file the button down can resolve this problem.

Tooth Filing and over crowded teeth

Before getting Invisalign, your orthodontists would have had a consultation with you and examined your teeth. Invisalign will not fix over crowded teeth that require movements more than 4 millimetres. But very crowded teeth, that don’t need more than 4 millimetres of movement, may need to be filed down. This is called IPR, enamel reduction, or shaving. Ask your orthodontist if this can be an option for you.

Keeping a clean Invisalign hygiene

If you do not look after your Invisalign trays – by which we mean cleaning them after eating and at the time of your brushing regime – then you may experience yellowing and odour problems. The trays can start to smell and go yellow from bacteria build up if you do not clean them properly.

So make sure you clean them for every chance you get. You may start getting straighter teeth but you most definitely do not want a yellowish colour appearance.

Before you invest in Invisalign Braces have a good talk with your orthodontist to go through the ins and outs of the process. The Invisalign Doctor would be happy to take any questions and queries you may have, so get in touch with him today.