Top Tips Prior to Using Invisalign

Invisalign braces are an alternative to traditional braces for getting straight, perfect looking teeth. Many people who have considered Invisalign know that there is a great potential behind the invisible trays. Before you get biting into your alternative orthodontic treatment, you need to know a few tips that will help you get the best possible results from Invisalign for your teeth. Your Invisalign Doctor may have mentioned a few before starting your treatment.

Brush Your Teeth after Eating

Although Invisalign trays are invisible and sit against your teeth comfortably, you do need to make sure you are taking care of the trays and your teeth together. Food particles can get trapped in the trays straight after you have eaten, this can cause cavity build up and lead to decay. You can prevent cavities by brushing your teeth before you wear your Invisalign aligners again. Always rinse out your Invisalign trays so that they are also clean and rinsed of saliva.

Floss Day and Night

Flossing can be a chore but it helps remove bacteria where your toothbrush cannot reach it. Flossing ensures that you are keeping your teeth clean between the gaps and on the lining of the gum. Regular flossing both day and night prevents plaque build up and prevents cavities from building beneath the Invisalign trays.

Wear Aligners 20+ Hours/Day 

Depending on how long your Doctor has recommended you wear your Invisalign trays, generally the advice is to wear it more than 20 hours a day (different times for different cases). However, your trays are removable so it shouldn’t be an issue to take off and on, if you feel they are becoming uncomfortable. If your Invisalign trays cause you severe pain, contact your Invisalign Doctor. They may be uncomfortable when first fitted but this should not be a worry when the aligners set against your teeth and fit better through use over time.

Regular Appointments

Generally, the specialist will want to see you around every four to six weeks, this again could differ on each individual case, but it is to ensure there are no problems and to track your progress. You must make sure you stick to your scheduled appointments so that both your Invisalign Doctor and you know that Invisalign is working, and your teeth are getting straighter as expected.